The proclamation of the Gospel has never been reserved for an elite or the clergy. All Christians should bear witness to the Faith that nourishes. And all believers, even the least articulate, are called upon to express their faith, at least by gesture, in the course of the Eucharistic liturgy. Because not only do gestures represent a support for prayer, they also express the belonging to a same community of believers and constitute in themselves an expression of faith. The gesture is eloquent because it is beautiful and involves the whole being. It contributes to the transmission of faith. Where else may we discover the traditional gestures, if not in the writings of the Church Fathers - those Christian authors of Antiquity who passed down the Scriptures, entrusted us with the Creed and bequeathed the basic forms of liturgy and the authentic way to bear witness to our faith? This book therefore gathers together texts by the Church Fathers who, in their homilies or catechetic, revealed to their congregation the meaning of the gestures they made during the Eucharist. These texts constitute the great tradition of Christians, expressing their faith in the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ through the beauty of their gestures.