Any child taken by his mother to see the crib on Christmas Eve cannot help but be dazzled by the blaze of candles, the variety of brightly-arrayed personages and the little figure of Jesus, smiling and welcoming with open arms. He will probably think it must have been very pleasant to lie there in all that golden straw, surrounded by adoring parents, marvelling shepherds and Wise Men bearing gifts, symbolic of the presents he hopes to find under the Christmas tree when he gets home. It will no doubt take him a long time to realise that the celebration of Christmas proclaims that God offered us the ultimate gift: he became the flesh of our flesh in the form of his Son Jesus. The Son of God became man. This news is truly startling. It represents God's extraordinary declaration of love for mankind. God became man so that man could partake of the life of God. The mystery of the Incarnation never fails to surprise, dazzle and fill us with wonder. This book will nourish our meditation during the Christmas period when God shows his face in that of his Son Jesus. Deeply-rooted in our humanity, the Almighty assumed a humble form in order to teach us how to love.