Father, you're tugging at the devil's moustache, » a journalist said to me one day on the subject of my involvement as a theologian in the domain of relations between 'science and faith'. He was probably right... Of course, the Catholic Church has reconsidered the Galileo affair and taken Darwin's work seriously, and that of his successors in matters of life evolution. Yet creationism still provokes, within Christianity, fundamentalist and concordist currents, while gnosis seems to be back, making science the latest means of salvation. Astrology is finding favour with a public that wants certainties - fed up with the impersonal information that's served up daily. Not forgetting the NDEs, opening new horizons for medicine and popular beliefs. In this context, what becomes of the magister's scientific and theological contribution? Meanwhile, philosophical and theological questions remain unanswered. Like the origin of the world, the role of chance or of determinism in particular. NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 0 0 0 0 0
3996 341167 2006-01-01 00:00:00.000 301 NULL NULL 8211648 2204017191 NULL NULL 9782204017190 NULL NULL NULL En tout la volonté de Dieu En tout la volonté de Dieu Saint Jean Eudes à travers ses lettres NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL 0 210 135 215 12 05 1981 NULL NULL NULL NULL 168 NULL 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 0 0 0 0 0
5331 765027 2006-01-01 00:00:00.000 765 NULL 25 8584263 220405450X NULL NULL 9782204054508 NULL NULL NULL Quaestiones de quolibet (2 volumes) Quaestiones de quolibet NULL NULL NULL NULL OPERA OMNIA Iussu Leonis XIII P. M. Edita - Cura et Studio Fratrum Praedicatorum - Tomus XXV Les questions De quolibet permettaient à tous les assistants de poser au maître les questions les plus diverses, souvent alors de brûlante actualité. La tradition du texte de saint Thomas est très complexe une étude complète de cette tradition a permis d'améliorer notablement le texte, d'élucider les problèmes qu'il pose, de préciser la datation (spécialement VI et XII) et de montrer l'unité des "quolibet" VII et IV. Volumen 1 : Préface, Quodlibet VII, VIII, IX, X, XI - Volumen 2 : Quodlibet I, II, III, VI, IV, V, XII, Indices"