In this book, the author presents a new reading of the revelation of the Gospel in the light of a rational conception of God a radically revised conception, in comparison with the classic philosophy generally applied to theology. In previous books, he rigorously constructed a philosophy of the nature of the relation between Man and God. The author now brings us a rational reading of Jesus' parables and teaching actions, showing that Jesus' language makes it easy to recognize and understand God's approach to humanity through Trinitarian love. The Love of the Father pursues his initial creation by the incarnation of his personal Word in Jesus Christ, in view of our deification in their filial Spirit deification which liberates us from all evil, beyond death, so that his eternal project for our universal Assumption may be accomplished within the relations of the Trinitarian family. The incarnation of the Word in humanity is a founding element of the manner in which the eternal Word is the creator and deifier of humanity, with the Father, for the Spirit, the accomplishment of all absolute love.