Research into the extraordinary experience and prolific oeuvre of Sister Marie de la Trinité, Dominican rural missionary (1903-1980), continues under the impetus of the dynamic ‘Association Amitiés soeur Marie de la Trinité'. This book assembles the studies made on the occasion of the third ‘Marie de la Trinité Colloquium' organised in Avon (Seine-et-Marne) in December 2008 at the Carmelite Fathers' Spiritual Centre, and of the third seminary which took place at the Centre d'études du Saulchoir des Pères Dominicains, in May 2009. The in-depth and highly evocative exploration of Marie de la Trinité's mysticism - notably of the gift of filiation (Part 1) - and her psychological ordeal (Part 2) enable readers to understand her experience and reflect on the links between psychology and spirituality. Theologians and psychoanalysts have collaborated here to explore the question of Marie de la Trinité's identity and obedience.