Traite des sacrements - tome 1 bapteme et sacramentalite 2 don et reception de la grace baptismale
Jean-philippe revel
In the first volume, Jean-Philippe Revel, in keeping with the tradition, focused the study of baptism on its symbolic signification: the revelation of God's plan to call man into the communion of divine Persons. In this second volume, the author shows how God, indicating his plan through the sacramental rites, uses them as instruments to realise his plan through us, by communicating, through what we call grace, participation in the Mystery of communion thus revealed. God wants to save us by revealing the mystery He is inviting us to enter, which allows us to take part consciously and actively in our own redemption. For God doesn't want to save us without our participation. Redemption is a meeting and a dialogue between man and God. It is necessary to highlight the role of man who receives God's gift and must make it his own by participating with all his energy. This leads the author to speak of several cases where man can only open himself up to grace in an ‘imperfect' manner. This is the case with the baptism of children, or that of pagans, even atheists of good will, not forgetting the great controversy around children who die without being baptised. So it will become clear to us in the end that the relation with the other is the foundation of all things. This is just as true in the link between man and God as in the relations between men, because ultimately, everything is based on the relations between divine Persons and the eternal circulation of love that unites them.