Most observers agree to the existence of a significant deviation in the intellectual itinerary of Pierre Bourdieu between 1982 and his death in 2002. Although his sociology had claimed for many years a ‘critical' dimension, Bourdieu's commitment in the social movement of 1995 speedily led to a more ambitious stance. His intention was in fact to offer an attractive substitute to a totally demonetized Marxist referent and redefine the terms of a radical philosophy. On the one hand, the enemy is clearly identified: ‘neoliberal globalization' which makes societies bow down to market law and destroys the acquisitions of the Welfare State. On the other hand, a new avant-garde is defined: it is no longer a Leninist type of party but an intellectual élite backed up by the resources of critical sociology, which will provide the forces of resistance with the scientific rigor and political lucidity they have so often lacked. Finally, the ‘Bourdieu philosophy' worked to define a ‘rational utopia' and proposed a tangible horizon of emancipation to the multiple social movements. Yet two considerations lead us to nuance the results of this mutation. Firstly, Bourdieu never abandoned his hatred of democratic principles and procedures. Moreover, he took the celebration of the figure of the critical intellectual, who was already at the core of his sociological commitment, to the point of paroxysm. Finally, his utopic aim was boiled down to a more modest strategy in order to let ‘intellectual power' take root within a society that increasingly relates the authority of intellectuals to their presence in the media.