A God who judges: a subject from biblical theology that has raised many questions! Is judgement the expression of God's violence, or of a vengeful spirit? Does it show an image of God that shocks - especially in our times - when any kind of violence legitimated by religious motives is highly suspicious? The authors of this book are friends and colleagues of Raymond Kuntzmann - a teacher of the Old Testament at the Marc-Bloch University in Strasbourg. They have chosen the theme of judgement because behind this term - too general by far - lie a multitude of facets, which is why we have to look at an ensemble of texts anew if we are to resituate judgement in all its historical and theological contexts. By examining them more closely, we can see that the notion of judgement is closely linked to those of law and justice, values of which God is the ultimate guardian, as well as those of mercy and salvation. Readers are invited to follow the remarkable transformations that occur throughout the evolution of biblical theology. This book, devoted to the Old Testament texts, is complemented by another on the New Testament.