Le diocese - espaces, representations, pouvoirs (france, xve-xxe siecle)
Gérald chaix
In 1997, the diocese of Blois celebrated the tercentenary of its foundation. The historians of the François-Rabelais University were asked to participate. Christiane Deluz, professor of medieval history, coordinated a volume devoted to the history of the diocese, published in 1996 by the Association pour le Tricentenaire du diocese de Blois under the title « Blois, un diocese, une histoire. Histoire des Chrétiens du Loir-et-Cher ». Meanwhile Gerald Chaix, professor of modern history, was organising an international colloquium to analyse the reality of the diocese, limiting his study - for reasons of method - to the French territory in modern and contemporary times. The colloquium was placed in the context of the celebrations that marked the tercentenary all through the year 1997. The subtitle of the present work indicates the three principal directions of research: the notion of space as a « system of relations » that of representation (concept, image, discourse about the diocese) lastly, the reality of the diocese: a social group with its own rules, a hierarchically established church, a symbolic reality devoted to circulating and sharing - within territorial limitations - the gift of salvation. Thanks to the CNRS and the Centre d'études supérieures de la Renaissance, these Acts are now published, dedicated to the memory of Michel Lagrée.