• Thinking About Strategy -  - L'HARMATTAN

Thinking about strategy

Sir Michael Quinlan was one of the most distinguished European strategic thinkers of the recent decades, who passed away in March 2009. His influence on Western strategic thinking was profound. American, British and French analysts were asked to discuss some of the most important issues of our time, in particular on nuclear policy matters, in the light of Sir Michael's thinking. The resulting volume is a testimony of the enduring intellectual legacy of Michael Quinlan.
Actuellement indisponible
EAN 9782296556188
16,50 €
16,50 €

Dove trovarci?

Librairie Culture&Foi (Eveché)
20, rue Berthelot
42100 Saint-Etienne


Lundi : fermé

Mardi : 9h30-12h 14h30-18h30 

Mercredi: 9h30-12h 14h30-18h30 

Jeudi : 9h30-12h 14h30-18h30 

Vendredi: 9h30-12h 14h30-18h30 

Samendi: 9h30-12h 14h30-18h30

Dimanche: fermé




Librairie Culture&Foi
2, rue Léon Nautin
42000 Saint-Etienne


Lundi : fermé

Mardi : 9h30-12h 14h30-18h30 

Mercredi: 9h30-12h 14h30-18h30 

Jeudi : 9h30-12h 14h30-18h30 

Vendredi: 9h30-12h 14h30-18h30 

Samendi: 9h30-12h 14h30-18h30 

Dimanche: fermé




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