The first chapters in Genesis are frequently read as a collection of separate texts, some better known than others: Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, the Flood, the Tower of Babel ... Here, André Wénin treats Genesis 1, 1 - 12, 4 as a unified literary ensemble and provides a narrative reading, articulated with a theological and anthropological interpretation and attentive to the link with the following episode: the Call of Abraham. He reads with exigency, seeking the construction of meaning and the truth that is both that of the text and of the reader. The author takes the mythical aspect of this narrative seriously. A story that recounts the first tentative relations among humans themselves, and between them and God a complex tale in which all the great questions about life, so passionately evoked by the Bible, are addressed in turn: relations between men and women, violence, death, existence in society, man's relation with the transcendental... The beginning of the Book of Genesis describes, with great rigour and precision, how those unfortunate choices effected by humans imperilled the Divine plan for a covenantal world in which harmony would encourage the flowering of all life, thanks to the blessing of the Creator. But when they are face against the wall, God is there beside them to reopen the road to life, without either violating their liberty or relieving them of their responsibility.