« All During my priesthood, I have constantly hoped to bring the poorest among us to the heart of the Church, by proclaiming their lives and what they have already experienced of God's plan. All my prayers, homilies and meditations were oriented in this way, nourished by the lives of the poorest families. This experience is not only the source of my knowledge of the life of Jesus and his Church. These families have also become my teachers of theology, agents of a more rigorous comprehension built on what we can know of God. » (Joseph Wresinski) The poorest among us are the bearers of a unique knowledge of God. Theirs is the privilege to reveal that that the condition of God's children is never stifled in man. Without them, without communion in their humiliation, are we so sure we believe in the real God? This is the question that the founder of ATD Quart Monde asks in these invigorating pages, which will inspire personal meditation and reflection on the situation of the poorest members of our society.