‘War and peace in Assyria'? War - certainly but ‘peace'? The image we have of the Assyrian Empire today is one of a merciless State, devoted to war and practicing that art with cruel refinement. But like many clichés, this one fails to convey a much more subtle reality: It may be true that the Assyrians constantly proclaimed a strategy of conquest but it is also true that their sovereigns preferred peaceful solutions, that peoples should declare their allegiance to the Empire, then they would be free to honour their Gods, respect their cultural traditions and organize their political life. These conferences concern the so-called ‘neo-Assyrian' period (9th -7th c. AD) whose abundant documentation, drawn from texts and monuments, is rigorously exploited. The dominant ideology in the play between war and peace is analysed in depth and the book devotes a significant part to a technical study of arms and military strategies.