On the 7th of July 2007, Pope Benedict XVI published the Moto Proprio Summorum Pontificum, exhorting a more generous use of the celebration of the Roman Rite according to the Missal promulgated by Saint Pius V. In what aim? Basically, this letter is instrumental in the Pope's design to establish liturgical harmony while contributing to create a movement of resacralisation of the liturgy. Recalling the writings of Cardinal Ratzinger, this book proposes an analysis of his positions on liturgy and explains the historical context of the Vatican II council and its difficult aftermath, a time of reform in the Church and radical changes in liturgy. But it was also a time of crisis in society as well as the Church, during which many attempted to ‘make a clean sweep'. The author assesses the extent and the reactions of that change, including that of Mgr Lefebvre who broke away from Rome in 1988, concluding with a prospective view of the future of Latin liturgy.