"To think with Eckhart and, in some instances, against him this is the aim of the author of Maître Eckhart - Le procès de l'Un. In this important book, Hervé Pasqua, director of the Institut catholique in Rennes, presents the work of the Rhineland Master in the light of his Neo-Platonism. The title in French can be understood in two ways: as an accusation made against ‘the One', or as the process of development or emanation from ‘the One', in the sense that everything emanates from this unique source. Opposing the ideas of those who consider that there are two Eckharts - one for whom God is the being and the other for whom God Is One - Hervé Pasqua resolutely cuts through the Thuringian's ambiguities and proposes a deeply Neo-Platonist reading of Master Eckhart. In the first part, he considers the Deity as being the name of ‘the One' in the second he shows the ‘the wretchedness of the One without the being'. He then attempts to denounce the weaknesses of this philosophy and declares open ‘le process de l'Un'. Hervé Pasqua's book is part of a broad reflection which he has been conducting for several years on the rapport between the One and the Being, in the aim of distinguishing the traits of a Being who, beyond all ontology reducing the being to the existing, would occupy the role played by ‘the One' in a philosophy of Neo-Platonist inspiration. His aim is also very probably to warn against a theology which puts too strong an accent on apophatism." (Benoît Beyer de Ryke, Free University of Brussels)"