Born of the tragic circumstances when France had to face the Nazi threat, then the totalitarian barbarism of Nazi occupation, the texts in this volume introduce us to a theologian who, in reaction to the more and more frequent concessions and cowardice of his country's elite, and even in the Church, felt obliged to make the voice of Christian conscience heard. With the courage of his faith, inseparable from his will to preserve man - created in the image and the likeness of his Creator - he denounces so many instances of betrayal and perversion of the Christian message: anti-Semitism, which destroyed the inalienable link between the Old and the New Testaments the procedures wherein the most radical adversaries of the Christian faith used Christianity's own vocabulary to destroy it more efficiently the ravages of consciences by Nazi neo-paganism and the eternal seduction of the totalitarian regime. The threat that weighed down on Christianity affected all humanity. Half a century later, these astonishingly powerful texts have lost nothing of their urgency.