From the right to vote to the recent law on political equality, the Union féminine civique et sociale (UFCS) is proud to have participated at each major stage in the fight for women's rights, so acquiring a specific role in the French feminist movement. Today, the UFCS still works to obtain equality of opportunity between women and men, for consumers' rights and the development of European citizenship. This book is based on testimonies and research on unpublished archives. The history of a community, it opens with a biography of Andrée Butillard, the founder of the UFCS. Inspired by the values of social Catholicism and motivated by her conviction that action by women for women would bring more justice to the world, she had a clear vision of what the association should be right from the start. Until now, no one had risked presenting a history of the UFCS as it was experienced by those who participated. Their perseverance and their personal investment in the realization of this book are in themselves proof of the members' commitment to the movement.