‘Written over a period of about twenty years, these "Carnets spirituels" by Jean Daniélou were not published for many a long year. One hesitates to make public the intimacy of a soul. But in spite of these legitimate scruples, in the end - with the permission of the cardinal's family - the vast benefit such a read is likely to diffuse triumphed. For these are truly admirable texts, shining with transparent truth. There is something pathetic in the efforts a Christian makes on his road to holiness. The spiritual war he must wage does not always bring the hoped-for victories, however powerful God's help may be. The aims do not evolve, as though, from year to year, the progress made in imitating the Master were almost insignificant. Yet a gradual effect - of both purification of the senses and dilatation of the soul - is accomplished by the Spirit. The disciple becomes aware of this momentarily, and is filled with wonder. Those who read these "Carnets spirituels" and discover this work of the Spirit, opening their hearts to these unforgettable, intimate confidences - will be better placed to do so. In these pages, every Christian will find advice, expressed with as much simplicity as fervour. The reader will see that the love which inspired this advice demands, as Jacques Rivière said, "enormous inconvenience". Jean Daniélou knows that all conversion must be dearly paid for, but he is more sensitive to the positive effects of the audacity gained: "We are dying of not daring. To go toward the difficulty, leaning on faith, accomplish the difficult things, with prudence, but audaciously." Let us acclaim this publication of the "Carnets" as a spiritual event. It brings us the reflections of an exceptionally gifted man, fascinated by the world of God one who tenaciously and tenderly gave all he had in order to make his Christian adventure a total one.' (Excerpts from the preface by Father A.-M. Carré, o.p. de l'Académie française)"