Une bible archetype ? les paralleles de samuel-rois et des chroniques
Adrian schenker
The oldest Biblical manuscripts were discovered at Qumran, on the shores of the Dead Sea. For the most part, they date from around the beginning of our era, with some going back as far as the 3rd century B.C. But is that as far as we can go? Is there really no example of a Biblical text before Qumran? The answer is to be found in the Bible itself. By examining parallel Biblical passages, Adrian Schenker reveals the Book of Samuel-Kings as it was known to the writer of the Chronicles around the 4th century B.C. One detail in particular caught his eye: the manuscript employed by the Chronicler contained mistakes by the copyist! So he attempted to reconstitute the Book of Samuel-Kings which had served as a basis for the Greek translator a century later, towards the 3rd or 2nd century B.C., and he found the same errors. How can we explain such a phenomenon? Was there an archetypal manuscript, however imperfect, of the Book of Samuel-Kings? Who possessed it? When was it supplanted by the ancestor of the modern Hebrew Bible? Discover this fascinating investigation by Adrian Schenker, one of the leading specialists on the subject.