For more than thirty years, generations of Dominican brothers and sisters have been celebrating holy days using the magnificent lessons of the Fathers of the Church, selected by Brother Jean-René Bouchet. They were first assembled by the nuns of Prouille, then by Éditions du Cerf in the ‘Lectionnaire pour les dimanches et pour les fêtes' which offers remarkable patristic texts for the whole liturgical year - as well as on chants and responses put to music by Brother André Gouzes. On the occasion of celebration of Holy Week at Sylvanès, Brother Éric T. de Clermont Tonnerre gave four major meditations on Holy Days: ‘This is the night! This is man! This is our God! This is the Lord's Passover!' This little book, which assembles these lessons and meditations for all those who wish to meditate and pray the mystery of Easter, is published in homage to Brothers Jean-René Bouchet and André Gouzes, in recognition of the deep patristic tradition and Church liturgy they transmitted to all of us.